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About Our Community

The Our Community section includes some information about income but it’s main focus is on the demographic make-up of our region.

The number of visible minorities in the greater Peterborough region has nearly tripled since 2006. At the same time, the number of immigrants has fallen by nearly 1%.

Lone-parent families have increased by close to 2% since 2006. The elderly population rose 7%, the youth population (14 and under) fell 4%, and the total regional population increased by 12% all between 2001 and 2021. The median age now sits at 44.4 years, up 4.6 years since 2001.

Please get in contact with the Foundation if you have information to share, or if you would like to suggest a metric for inclusion.

As for information regarding aging, we encourage you to look at the work being done by the Building Back Differently group. All of their work can be found at the last tab in the right-hand side menu. A direct link to their aging work can be found below. 

BBD – Aging



About Our Community in the Sustainable Development Goals

Click on the SDG to reveal more information